Seabed cleaning - Collection and disposal of litter at depth greater than 50m (Italy)
Seabed cleaning campaigns were organised from March to August 2011 using 17 bottom trawl fishing vessels to collect litter during the normal fishing operations. Each vessel was equipped with specific containers and bags of known volume. A total of 83,100 liters of solid waste were retrieved and disposed. The main type of litter removed during these campaigns was plastic (61%), “other material” (14%), metal and glass (9%), and fishing material (4%).
Place / Location | Ligurian Sea and Northern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy) |
Commencement Date | January 2011 |
Duration |
9 month From January to September 2011: - January and February: organization; - from March to August: sea operation; - September: data analysis. |
Theme | Mitigation, Awareness (Cross-cutting) |
Type of Initiative | Campaign |
Initiated by | Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Tuscany (ARPAT), Liguria Regional Authority, Environmental Office of Corsica, Sardinia Regional Authority, Livorno Province |
Involved Stakeholders | Local fishermen |
Funding/Financial Support | Project financed by European Regional Development Fund. |
Success Rate | Very Successful |
Case Study prepared by | Liguria Regional Authority, Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Tuscany (ARPAT) |
Submitted by | Provincia di Teramo (MARLISCO Partner 1) Luigi Alcaro |
Available documentation and further information
Report with photos (in Italian)