Turkish Marine Research Foundation (Turk Deniz Arastirmalari Vakfi), Turkey

Description of Organisation:
TUDAV coordinate educational studies on the protection of our seas by conducting summer schools and seminars and 10.000 students joined to those seminars only in 2003-2004. It distributed a book, named “Our Seas” to the students of Primary Schools.
TUDAV organizes many workshops and courses and establishes marine laws on various current problems like the pollutions, especially in Turkish Strait, marine biodiversity, sustainable fishery, marine protection areas and marine laws. TUDAV continues studies on sustainable fishery especially in Turkish Strait Region and Black Sea. Moreover, It also make an effort on the implementation of responsible fishery in Turkey by organizing seminars. There is a cooperation with related foundations for preventing pollutions originated from the ships and for developing MARPOL 73-78 Convention.
You can follow our foundations work from www.tudav.org.
Any questions you might have about our seas or membership, you can send an email to the below; tudav@tudav.org