UBBSLA, Bulgaria

Description of Organisation:
The Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities /UBBSLA/ is an independent non-profit organization, which is established in 1992 for pursuing activities in the country and abroad in compliance with the relevant local legislation. The UBBSLA serves as umbrella organization of 21 member municipalities covering the Bulgarian Black Sea region for encouraging of effective local self government in terms of capacity building, know-how transfer, sustainable regional development, environment protection and energy issues as well as social inclusion and active citizen participation in the local government process.
The main priorities of UBBSLA are targeted to:
- Development of cross-border activities oriented to creation of civil society and sharing successful practices for social development which stimulate the active citizen participation in the social, economic, political and cultural dialogue
- Enhancing joint initiatives between the local authorities and non-governmental organizations for resolution of local problems; improvement of the managerial capacity of the local authorities and establishment of effective practices of designation of municipal services to NGOs
- Stimulation of innovations in professional education and support to the national policy of life long learning
- Improvement of the social-economic characteristics in the member municipalities through elaboration of joint projects for resolution of the local communities’ most crucial issues
- Contributing to the sustainable development, environment protection and biodiversity in the Black Sea region, energy efficiency and RES utilization
- Enhancing the social and economic development through establishment of cooperation at the local level
Main tasks in the project:
Contribution to implementation of the project activities in Bulgaria, under WP 4, 5 and 6 and bring in national input to WP 1 and 2.
Relevant experience:
Until now the UBBSLA has implemented a number of projects funded within national and international projects some of which directly correspond to the project objectives:
· STREAM Sustainable Tourism and REcreation as an opportunity to promote Alternative Mobility.
· IdeQua - Establishment of an Identity – and Quality Axis from the Baltic Sea to the Aegean Sea – Strengthening Regional Identity and Structures of Centres. Black Sea Coast Support Action: Promotion of Community Participation in integrated coastal zone management