Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas), UNITED KINGDOM

Description of Organisation
Cefas is the UK’s leading and most diverse centre for applied marine and freshwater science with a vision to make a real difference for society. Cefas as an Executive Agency of the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), employs over 550 staff, engaged in research, monitoring and assessment on many aspects of the sustainable use of marine resources. Cefas advise UK government, international customers and private sector on the environmental impact of their policies, programmes and activities through marine evidence and impartial expert advice.
Main tasks in the project:
Cefas leads WP1 to provide a scoping study of the sources and trends of marine litter, methods for monitoring and assessment, and policy that might help to mitigate its impact. Cefas is also responsible for the UK forum developed under WP4 to provide a platform for structured dialogue among stakeholders. It also contributes to best practices study (developed under WP2), and to the preparation of educational material (developed under WP6). Cefas also provide links to European and International initiatives regarding marine plastics as NE Atlantic regional lead.
Relevant experience:
Cefas has significant experience in coordinating and contributing to European-funded projects, covering many aspects of human impacts on the marine environment. Cefas staff work at a national, European and international level supporting the development of environmental policy. Cefas has a long experience in monitoring and assessing environmental impacts, and developing science and advice for the protection and sustainable use of our seas through international collaboration (ICES, OSPAR, GESAMP, IOC, UNEP, IMO, etc). Cefas is also a member of the MSFD task team on marine litter, and coordinates and develops marine litter monitoring programmes in the UK. Cefas develops a scheme to engage with society on environmental issues and taking part in community activities and share our expertises.