Regionalni razvojni center Koper, Slovenia

Description of Organisation:
The Regional Development Centre Koper (RDC Koper) was founded in 1993 as the local centre for small enterprise and trade promotion by the Municipality of Koper, Employment Service of Slovenia (Unit at Koper) and the Chambre of commerce and industry of Primorska. In 2001 RDC Koper gained the status of the Regional Development Agency South Primorska (RDA) for 8 municipalities. RDC Koper coordinates preparation of programmes (Regional development programme 2007-2013), supports implementation of the programme, provides monitoring and reporting to Regional Development Council and implements selected projects defined in the Regional Development Programme, related to Business promotion, Human resources and employment development, Environmental protection and Spatial planning.
Main tasks in the project:
To conduct all national activities in Slovenia (WP 4,5 and 6), input to WP 1 and 2.
Relevant experience:
RDC Koper coordinated preparation of CAMP Slovenia, Coastal area management programme (2004-2007). In this framework 8 projects were implemented, 3 horizontal (Information, participation and training; Systemic and Prospective Sustainability Analysis; Regional Information System) and 5 individual projects (Regional Conception of Spatial development; Detailed Spatial Arrangement of Coastal Belt; Management of Nature Protected Areas; Regional Strategy of Sustainable Tourism Development; Regional Programme of Water Resources Protection; Sensivity Maps of the Coast). RDC Koper implemented various projects, related to Environmental protection and Coastal issues:
- PlanCoast (Interreg IIIB CADSES): related to Sea-use planning, Integrated Coastal Zone Management and GIS;
- River shield (Interreg IIIB CADSES): related to the Protection of the Rivers from Accidental Industrial Pollution;
- ADRINET EMAS (PHARE): Networking of municipalities around North Adriatic for sustainable ddevelopment, promotion of EMAS and Eco label;
- NADREMA (Interreg IIIA Slovenia-Italy): Methodology of re-use of dredging material;