EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany, Germany

Description of Organisation:
EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany was established as a non governmental association (NGO) in 2002. The main objective is to strengthen German activities within the field of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) by bridging the gap between coastal science and practice. EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany has experiences in the development of coastal information systems, creates tools (e.g. databases, learning modules) for international networks and disseminates coastal and marine information. The NGO provides relevant information, consults and educates coastal practitioners, hosts workshops and conferences and runs demonstration projects. The main office is located in Rostock-Warnemünde at the German Baltic Sea coast.
Main tasks in the project:
EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany will function as national representative in Germany, and will implement relevant actions within WP 4, 5 and 6 in this geographical context. In addition to this, it will lead WP 3 and will design and implement a web portal as public interface and dissemination centre of the project. For WP 4 it will organise a national forum, bringing together relevant stakeholders for components of ML in Germany (e.g. beaches, small harbours, marine underwater ecosystems). In WP 5 and 6 it will draw upon previous educative activities (for pupils, students, voluntary environmental trainees) and several projects, contributing to the European video contest (WP 5) and the compilation of an educational package (WP 6). An enhanced co-operation with the German Maritime Museum/ Ozeaneum in Stralsund is planned, bringing in further media contacts, educational staff and additional experience with schools. The museum features exhibitions that already refer to the topic of marine litter and could be expanded with a regional focus, taking in results of educational contests such as video, photo or arts. In WP 6 EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany will use its informative instruments and networks to raise awareness for the problem of ML in the Baltic, a topic that presently has little awareness and coverage in public discussions in Germany.
Relevant experience:
EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany has in the past conducted various projects dealing with stakeholder involvement, and information and dissemination of relevant actors, such as RADOST, BaltCICA, Küstenschule, ‘Im Fokus’ and ‘Meer im Fokus’. Outputs include online training modules, an information platform for coastal and marine issues for pupils and students, informative magazines and brochures, photo competitions and video contests. The NGO hosts various open web databases on coastal topics, such as projects, documents, photos and events.
Kristina Klesse
Anke Vorlauf