Provincia di Teramo, ITALY

Description of Organisation
The Province of Teramo is a local authority, an intermediate body between the City and the Region, with statutory, regulatory, organizational and administrative autonomy.
A population of 309,059 inhabitants, living on a total area of 1949 square km, is distributed into 47 municipalities, coordinated by the Province promoting their development, representing their communities and looking after their interests.
With approximately 300 employees, divided into 10 sectors (Agriculture, Hunting and Fishing, General Affairs, Environment, Advocacy, Finance and Property, Innovation and Communication, Human Resources, Safety and Prevention, City and Territorial Planning, Economic Development), the Province of Teramo performs various functions: it promotes European integration, the economic development of the province; enables international links related to international funding opportunities existing within the Community; performs a complex series of activities aiming at employment and training (computer services, studies and research, etc.); plays a role in the promotion of cultural heritage, in conservation and restoration of local heritage and history; it is also involved in the seek of practical solutions for environmental problems, therefore it coordinates activities aiming at air and water protection, energy savings as well as the action of monitoring the environmental state and the application of sustainable development principles.
By pursuing the objectives of preserving and enhancing environmental resources, the Province of Teramo is engaged in environmental planning and management, and in particular:
- Waste (competences in drainage and, through the Provincial Waste Observatory, in waste collection data analysis);
- Atmospheric emissions (e.g. issues about and renewal the of Integrated Environmental Authorization, I.E.A.);
- Energy (e.g. the granting of building permits in order to use energy power plants from conventional sources, power ≤ 50 Megawatt):
- Water (granting of permits for urban and industrial waste water discharges).
The “Covenant of Mayors" can be added to the previous activities: it is an ambitious initiative bringing together municipalities aiming to achieve and go beyond the so called European Community "20_20_20" objective, being the Province of Teramo an example at a national level.
In addition to the 7PQ MARLISCO project, the Province of Teramo is implementing the following projects at the moment:
a) WP7: MARLISCO Project Coordination and monitoring, Internal communication strategy definition and management and reporting to the EC;
b) WP1: contribution to the study of the sources, trends and policy background regarding marine litter, with particular attention to the Adriatic Sea;
c) WP2: best practices and stakeholders identification and analysis;
d) WP4: translating, adapting, disseminating and running the Informed Debate in Italy;
e) WP5: translating, adapting, disseminating and running the MARLISCO contest in Italy;
f) WP6: defining, translating, adapting, disseminating and executing the National awareness activities in Italy (exhibition and training plan).
MARLISCO Project Coordinator
Province of Teramo
tel. 0039 (0)861 331407
mob. 0039 366 5670917
For information refer to:
Mara Di Berardo
MARLISCO Project Secretariat
Province of Teramo
tel. 0039 (0)861 331238