PlasticsEurope AISBL, Belgium

Description of Organisation:
PlasticsEurope exists to carry out pan-European work on behalf of the plastics resin manufacturing industry. The aims of the Association are to manage issues related to the production, use and disposal of plastics products, balance the image of plastics and to generate and provide relevant information in order to clarify the benefits of using plastics in society as well as dealing with the issues. The Association is focused on communicating its messages that are based on clear, objective, sciencebased research. PlasticsEurope is a non-profit pan-European organization made up of separate legal entities, in Belgium, Germany, Italy and Spain with its headquarters in Belgium and operational Regional Centres in Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milan, Paris and Warsaw. The Association is funded by membership subscriptions.
Main tasks in the project:
PlasticsEurope is qualified to provide the consortium with information and data in order to cooperate to build the knowledge tank and the framework of the activities for this project. Furthermore, PlasticsEurope is trying to build up a plastics association platform in order to take a holistic approach to prevent marine litter and share experiences and best practices. The outcome of these efforts can be shared with this consortium. Also, we can participate in the discussions that might bring solutions to solve o minimize the impacts of marine litter.
Relevant experience:
PlasticsEurope, in cooperation with national plastics associations has already started to work on the problem. PlasticsEurope has funded 39% of the research study “Occurrence of microplastics in mussels and lugworms collected along the Belgian, French and Dutch coastal zone”. PlasticsEurope has organized a debate about marine litter with relevant players in Polytalk 2010 (a plastics industry event), has participated in several workshops in 2010(GESAMP June in Paris; 8th November in Brussels, ALDE workshop in June...) PlasticsEurope has also a broad experience in communication on environmental issues towards young people, disseminating best practices in the management of plastics wastes.