MARLISCO Video and Art Contest Award Ceremony in Italy

Teramo: Closing party for the Italian MARLISCO Video Contest and European Art Contest on the 4th of April 2014 in the Province of Teramo Multifunctional Hall, located in Teramo, Italy. The “Drowned Sea” theme ambassadress for Italy is Tessa Gelisio, Italian journalist and “Pianeta Mare” (author’ translation: “Planet Sea”) and “Cotto e Mangiato” (a.t.:“Cooked and eaten”) anchorwoman: she gave awards to the winners of the Italian MARLISCO video-contest, addressed to Italian students invited to realize a video about marine litter, and of the “1st International award “Art of Marine Litter”, addressed to national and European artists invited to realize artistic works made with solid marine litter. 425 people attended the ceremony, 398 were students and teachers and 27 were invited guests.

Besides of the technical juries evaluations, the video contest one presided by Marco Incagnoli (Director of photography for the Italian “Mixer”, “Big Brother”, “Camera Café”, “Domenica In” and professor of Technique for Shot at the Cinematography Centre in Rome) and the Art Contest one, presided by Paola Di Felice (Director of the Civic Museums in Teramo), the works have also received more than 14 thousand “likes” on Facebook and YouTube.

The Italian Video-Contest received 31 videos sent by 23 Italian Schools: first awarded and classified school is the “Virgo Laureatana” Institute in Grottamare, Ascoli Piceno Province, with a video called “SOS Sea” (original title: “SOS Mare”), also receiving the “Like Sea” web award, being the most clicked one on the web; second award and position is for the “Cocconi” Institute from Rome, with a video called “Pollutingly” (o.t. “Inquinamente”); third position and award is instead  reserved to the Melchiorre-Delfico Secondary School from Teramo, with the “Food Chain” (o.t. “Catena Alimentare”) video. Special mention award was given to the “De Chirico” Secondary School from Torre Annunziata, with a video called “Odyssey of a bag” (o.t. “Odissea di un sacchetto”).

The MARLISCO Art Contest received 64 works and the 5 ones receiving prizes were exposed during the ceremony. The first position is for the artist Dario Di Franco from Italy, with a work called “Free at last” (o.t. “Finalmente libero”). Second position and award is for Steve McPherson from UK, with a work called “An Undesirable Archive”. Third position is instead reserved to Sergio Scarcelli from Italy, with the work called “Music Players” (o.t. “Suonatori”). Artist Ada Santarelli from Italy received the “Like Sea” web award, with a work called “Sirens” (o.t. “Sirene) and a special mention is given to the teeny-weeny children of the Primary School from Notaresco, Province of Teramo, with a work called “Art gallery on the Sea” (o.t. “Galleria d’arte sul mare”).

During the Award Ceremony, the Italian MARLISCO Exhibition, an informative and demonstrative itinerary leading the visitors to knowing and understanding the problems caused to the Sea by solid litter, was launched at the Province of Teramo Multifunctional Hall, with 425 people visiting it. The Italian MARLISCO exhibition’s been then moved to the Municipality of Teramo Expositive hall in Palma Street for few days and will now be exposed, until the 15th of May, at the Archaeological Museum of Teramo in occasion of the National Cultural Heritage Days. The Art works and the MARLISCO Italian exhibition will be then moved to the MuMa musem in Genova, from the 3rd of June to the 26th of August.

Watch the Italian Video Contest Mix with the most beautiful images from the 26 videos submitted to the contest:

tl_files/marlisco/lib/layout/arrow-more-light.png  From the MARLISCO exhibition website:

tl_files/marlisco/lib/layout/arrow-more-light.png  From Youtube:

Watch the MARLISCO Video Art Mix with images of the artistic works submitted to the contest:

tl_files/marlisco/lib/layout/arrow-more-light.png From the MARLISCO exhibition website:

tl_files/marlisco/lib/layout/arrow-more-light.png From Youtube:

Watch a Video Summary of the Award Ceremony:

tl_files/marlisco/lib/layout/arrow-more-light.png  From the MARLISCO exhibition website:

tl_files/marlisco/lib/layout/arrow-more-light.png  From Youtube:

Other pictures of the Award Ceremony event can be found here:

MARLISCO Italy Contact details:

MARLISCO Italia website 

Province of Teramo website 

MARLISCO.Italia on Facebook 

MARLISCO Italia e-mail


Italian Video-Contest and the MARLISCO Art Contest Award on the 4th of Aprile 2014 in Teramo.

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